How to Create a Club With a Computer Mouse (one paragraph essay)


        This is my essay on what I would make with a strange object in my house. To make a weapon I would make a club out of a wireless computer mouse. To do this I would take the battery protector off, and then I would thread 2 strings around the bar things in there and twist them around the top of a stick, and then twist the rest of the string like a twizzler. I would repeat this process over and over until I had a thick rope intertwined with the mouse and the stick. Now I have a weapon to kill small to medium sized animals!


The Journey Begins

Redefining the Word Equality

by J.D.

You can all agree that we live in a different world than we did 20 years ago. A world of cell phones, video games and social media. And we live in that requires you to think about your speech to not hurt anyones feelings. And I want to redefine the word equality to make the world a more comfortable place for all races and genders. Now, in most places when you are a white person, like myself, you have to refrain from calling people where their race originated. An example is if you call someone with an african bloodline african or black, you might be frowned upon. In that instance I think that we should call the people from Africa africans, and people with an african bloodline yet born in america, americans. Right? No one that has anything to do citizenship wise with Africa should be called African, but the term “African American” usually has to do with skin color. So, why not call them black? Now, I have a bully who is latino (like there can be bully’s of all races) who is a very big 14 year old, threw me into a swimming pool, and as he threw me he said “get in there white boy!” I am not lying. I even heard a black older man say “My father was a big black man who always busted my little brother doing something wrong. He never hesitated to whip ‘em.” That is what he said! He called his father black! So never ever call someone by their bloodlines origins country, and call them american if they are from america, or call them african if they are from Africa! And if you are talking about their race just call them by their skin color! And if they do not have a specific skin color then just call them by their politically correct names racial names, I am not going to make up new racial names in this speech. Now, just for a minute, I want to ask all of you a question, what do you think the definition of equality is. Ok, now this is what equality should be, and I want you to really think about it, here it is. All of you do math, and the most simple thing in math is, and its not 2+2, its equal, 2=2. And equal means same, there is no other way to define it. So equality should mean same, and ALL of you watching or reading this speech think, “Yeah thats what equality is, everyone knows that!” But you don’t, I have to break the truth to you, equality does not exist. Hollywood is a pure example of this, at first this is going to sound rude, but stay with me. With its women and non white racial characters mostly being the hero’s you kinda get the sense that they aren’t making them equal they are making them above, and a lot of women and other races may think, well guys and white people are the main hero’s on all of the older movies so why can’t it be our turn? I don’t agree with just white guys being the main hero’s. Because thats not fair, picture this, you audition for something and they let you in just because of your race, you would feel like you didn’t earn it. Right? And you would probably feel excluded from the other race even though you got the part because the would have to earn it and you got in for free, and you would think “Why? Is it because of my race or gender?” Doesn’t feel to good even though you got the part. I need to give you an example of this, and I chose the latest star wars movies (if you live in the year 2018) star wars the force awakens was a very good movie, and ray was the hero, shes a woman. Im fine with that. But when rouge one came out I though “Wait, this is a prequel after star wars a new hope!” And the hero was a woman, so they are intentionally doing this. Now you may be thinking, what other proof do you have that they are doing this intentionally. Well I have a lot more but that too long to put in a speech, and star wars is one of the most popular franchises so I chose it! There is one more thing that I want to talk about. Native americans, (again, just call them american) were here in the america first, until we came it was their country, and u.s. citizens with a bloodline from England (I am actually from wales) have to give native americans special rights because we took america over. Ok so think about rome, everyone admires rome, it was the biggest empire in the world. And the empire that God used to crucify Jesus his son. And all of its country’s it included were conquered, and does anyone frown upon rome, no. And americans only conquered one country. And everyone thinks that the indians lost their country, and they did, for a while. It is now their country too, they could become the president if they won the election! They are just part of our culture now, they aren’t ruled over, and they are given the same rights as everyone else, and more. And this was my speech on equality and what the real meaning of this word is.